Wednesday, October 15, 2008



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The Pranayam is the ancient Indian technique of contolled breathing. The control is achieved through systematic 'inhaling' and 'exhaling' exercises. The science of Pranayam was developed by ancient saints (called Rishis) engaged in the intensive spritual practice, to purify the mind and the body. The Rishis believed that the God or the Almighty, the Creator, resides in all animate and inanimate beings in the universe. The human beings remain oblivious of this truth, due to the effect of the so called 'Maya' or the force of illusion. The illusion is created by 'senses' and the human being is constantly engaged in fulfilling his/her natural instincts through these senses. The aim of spiritual practice should be to realise or unite with the ultimate truth, which they termed as 'Yog'. However before achieving the 'Yog', every one has to rise above the instincts, keeping the senses under control.

The Pranayam is a part of the 'Yogic' practice. The technique of Pranayam is useful to the common man, not necessarily engaged in the spriritual practice, to lead a healthy life and to achieve mental peace and stability. The practice of Pranayam, on regular basis, is required to achieve that. Those who practise, observe the following beneficial effects:

(a) The Pranayam substantially improves the immune system of the body and hence the body does not easily succumb to the disease causing bacteria and viruses.
(b) It is reported that the Pranayam cures most of the so called incurable, killer diseases
(c) The Pranayam improves appetite, sleep and helps weight reduction
(d) The Pranayam improves the effect of drugs.

According to the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, The inhaling-exhaling actions of our body affect the following functions:

(a) Survival of life, i.e. controlling all vital functions of the body necessary for the survival
(b) Brain
(c) Heart
(d) Lungs
(e) Digestion system
(f) Sensory organs
(g) Mental health
(h) Intellect
(i) Memory

The list above reveals that inhaling-exhaling affect almost every aspect of our life. Therefore it is not surprising to see that control over breathing transforms your life physically and mentally, over a period of time

(a) The Pranayam releaves mental stress

(b) The Pranayam smoothens the 'highs' and 'lows' of the behaviour, namely excessive lust, anger, envy and so on

(c) The Pranayam improves concentration and thus improves work efficiency

(d) The Pranayam promotes good thoughts and peace

In order to cure disease, one is required to perform Pranayam for certain period and frequency. Both these parameters are decided on the basis of individual experience.

The anulom-vilom (AV) and kapalbhati (KB) are the principal pranayam exercises. Whereas the AV is inhaling-exhaling, the KB is exhaling only. Due to this difference, their impact on the body is also felt differently. Performing AV and KB , in shots of small time duration, 2-4 times a day, also works well as per my personal experience. Thus Pranayam time table should be prepared depending upon the individual's capacity and the days work schedule. Our experience shows that Pranayam compliments homoeopathic treatment


To practise Pranayam, consult an expert. Ramdeo Baba (India) is one of the noted exponents of Pranayam.

This article summarises the personal experiences of the author, for the benefit of the common man. It does not aim at promoting any particular practice or the thought.

Dr J D Bapat

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